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Holtspur School

& Pre-School

Caring, Inspiring, Achieving

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Please find below our Curriculum Overview for the whole school, below our curriculum statement of intent you will find further details for each subject. 

Curriculum Intent

At Holtspur school we believe that children are central to everything that we do.  We are a very inclusive school and we believe that all children have equal rights to a broad and balanced curriculum which enables them to achieve their full-potential.  Our school motto “Caring, Inspiring, Achieving” drives our aim to develop children who are ready and motivated to learn, try their best and who are caring and respectful to all others. 

Our curriculum is designed to take account of the legal requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and the Primary National Curriculum.  It provides opportunities for children to develop as independent, confident and successful learners, with high aspirations, who know how to make a positive contribution to their community and the wider society.  The curriculum ensures that academic success, creativity and problem solving, reliability, responsibility and resilience, as well as physical development, well-being and mental health are key elements that support the development of the whole child and promote a positive attitude to learning.  The curriculum celebrates the diversity and utilises the skills, knowledge and cultural wealth of the community while supporting the children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, ensuring that children are well prepared for life in modern Britain.

The key principles behind the design of our curriculum are for our children to:

  • Be confident, independent and resilient; displaying a thirst for learning
  • Be kind; showing empathy and compassion whilst valuing diversity
  • Have access to a literacy-rich curriculum
  • Be culturally knowledgeable about our country and our world
  • Have aspirations for the future and know that these can be reached through hard work and determination
  • Be well prepared for the challenges of secondary school
  • Make a positive contribution to the world they live in
  • Have an appreciation of our history and their place in it
  • Have knowledge and experience of art in all its facets and an appreciation of music
  • Have religious understanding and respect for all beliefs
  • Have an enjoyment of physical exercise and activity

The curriculum is a working document containing a carefully planned sequence of learning which is constantly being reviewed and evaluated to ensure it enriches and inspires all of our children and equips them for life in secondary school and beyond.

Please find below details of our Curriculum intent and implementation for each subject. If you wish to know further details please contact the office who will then ask the Subject Coordinator to respond.

You can also request a paper copy of any of the information on here free of charge by contacting the office. 

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