Welcome to Holtspur PTA!
The PTA stands for Parent-Teacher Association - everyone is welcome! We raise funds for the school and the preschool and our aim is to provide the school with the extras that Local Authority funding can’t provide, such as new play equipment, educational visits, additional learning resources etc. We are always keen to welcome new people, so please feel free to come along to one of our meetings or volunteer to be part of a team that runs one of our many events. Any help you can give is really appreciated. Information about PTA meetings and events can be found on Classlist -
One of the easiest things you can do to raise money for the school is to download the Easyfundraising app or donation reminder for your online shopping -
Using Easyfundraising makes no difference to the amount you pay but it automatically makes a contribution to the school each time you make an online purchase through the app or using the donation reminder and it covers most of the major retailers. It really is money for nothing!
Funding all of our projects for the school wouldn’t be possible without you, so thank you all for your support and please get involved in any way you can!