Online Learning - Google Classroom
We are moving to a superior learning platform used by many other Primary Schools called Google Classroom. This platform will:
- Enable our staff to see if children have logged in and completed work
- Give staff the opportunity to provide regular feedback to children at least once during the day as the teacher is also teaching in class but there is also support staff feedback
- Enable children’s education to continue in the event that they cannot come to school due to national lockdown.
- Enable staff to upload videos
- Enable children to message and communicate with their teachers
- Enable children to be taught the same curriculum at home as in school wherever possible and appropriate
- Enable the children to access at least three hours of set work each day
- Enable parental support to set routines supporting your child's education
Please find below two 'How to use Google Classroom' guides, we also have a video from Miss Wakefield to help get you started in our Video Resource Centre. If you still have a query please email the office.
An example of login details are if your child is Bart Simpson:
Password: Holtspurpupil (unless you have been sent a separate text)
If you are unable to access digital or online at home, please contact the school office where we can issue or lend laptops to pupils, if this does not resolve the situation your class teacher will be able to offer alternative solutions. We recognise that some pupils with special educational needs may need additional support, their class teacher will be making contact with a phone call to you on a regular basis working together in partnership. If your child is in self isolation then they can also access the learning on Google Classroom as it mirrors what is being taught in school.