May Day is Holtspur Day .. the Day our School began!
1st May 1951, the day the first children entered the doors of Holtspur's brand new school. We celebrate in school with the Holtspur School Song, here are the words that recognise both past and present pupils.
The Holtspur Song
May Day is Holtspur Day the day our school began.
We'll strive at work
We'll strive at play
We'll do the best we can.
To keep its name for ever proud
Shall always be our aim
And Holtspur children shall sing loud
Its praises to acclaim.
Sing high, sing loud
For Holtspur School
Some leave and others come
But still the school goes on.
Each leaves his mark
Though deeper some
We'll miss them when they're gone.
We'll strive to follow where they led
The trail which they have blazed
And for our school like those ahead
Our voices shall be raised
Sing high, sing loud
For Holtspur School!
By Headteacher: H W Tame